Minimize security threats to executives and the whole team
An employee’s personal information exposure poses a risk to your organization
Contact salesAn employee’s personal information exposure poses a risk to your organization
Contact salesWhen someone performs a simple Google search for an employee’s name, that employee becomes exposed to serious dangers, such as real-life and cyber-stalking, harassment, identity theft, and even home attacks.
Google pulls an individual’s private information from privacy-breaching websites (e.g., WhitePages, MyLife, Spokeo, etc.). The number of these sites has been growing, and the level of detail revealed about the individual is expanding.
View the personal data supply chain infographic to learn how and why this happens.
Some professionals are especially vulnerable
National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 2017
Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, 2019
Deloitte, 2020
National League of Cities, 2021
US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2018
There is no longer an option. It’s not a “nice to have.” Employers hold the responsibility to safeguard employees whose jobs put them at risk–whether the risk is at work or spills over into the employee’s personal life.
See the solution overview here.
14,000,000 +personal profiles removed
from people-search sites since 2015