Your work shouldn’t  compromise  your safety

Yet it does. While you’re protecting the communities you serve, how are you being protected as a private citizen?

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[In the U.S.] police officers put themselves in harm’s way every day, risking their safety to ensure the public’s.

Council on Foreign Relations“Renewing America and National Security and Defense Program 2023” post

How personal data exposure happens

When someone performs a simple Google search for an employee’s name, that employee becomes exposed to serious dangers, such as real-life and cyber-stalking, harassment, identity theft, and even home attacks.

Google pulls an individual’s private information from privacy-breaching websites (e.g., WhitePages, MyLife, Spokeo, etc.). The number of these sites has been growing, and the level of detail revealed about the individual is expanding.

View the personal data supply chain infographic to learn how and why this happens.

Impact  on officers

  • National Center for Police Advocacy survey: 80% of responding police officers had been threatened with assault if the suspect encountered them out of uniform.
  • Nearly 20% have been threatened while off duty by someone they encountered on duty.
  • FBI: Intentional killings of law enforcement officers reached a 20-year high in 2021.
  • FTC: People lost $8.8B in fraud in 2022, a 30% increase over 2021 and 70% over 2020.
  • National Council on Identity Theft Protection: 1.4M cases of ID Theft reported to FTC in 2022.

Via National Police Association
FBI’s Criminal Justice Information Services Division
Federal Trade Commission 2023 press release
Identity Theft Facts and Statistics report

personal profiles removed
from people-search sites since 2015 

How Onerep works

1. Scan

We scan 190+ sites to find where an individual is exposed

2. Remove

We then remove personal information from these sites

3. Monitor

We continuously monitor all the 190+ sites to make sure people stay private

Our police officers are under increased scrutiny right now and we deployed Onerep to help them feel more protected.

Lawrence H. Hendricks

Police Chief, Greenville

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