Published Published October 22, 2024
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How to opt out of step-by-step guide [2024]

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Removal difficulty:Medium
Profile is removed within:4 weeks
Manual submission:around 20 min
Removal requirements:email account
Check and remove yourself from 212 data broker websites

Please enter your first and last name

What is OfficialUSA? is one of the largest online directories aggregating all sorts of government and state-level data and publishing links to official websites. The site contains dozens of various nationwide directories, including state, people, and USA education. To remove your information from, you are required to fill out an opt-out form on their site.

How to opt out of OfficialUSA

In short:

  1. Go to and look up your record
  2. Don’t click on your record when you find it. Instead, copy the URL of the search results page
  3. Scroll down to the footer and click “Remove my info”
  4. Complete and submit the opt-out form
  5. Select the record you want removed
Check and remove yourself from 212 data broker websites

Get your information removed fast and with no effort on your part. Our automated engine does the work.

Please enter your first and last name

How do I opt out of OfficialUSA manually?

Step 1: Go to

In order to begin your opt-out process, navigate to OfficialUSA’s website.

Step 2: Run a search for your name

Enter your name in the search bar, select your full name from the appearing list, and click on the search icon. Alternatively, you can use the people directory at the bottom of the homepage.

OfficialUSA USA Directory and State Guides, enter your name and click on the search icon

Step 3: Find the matching listing

Locate the record that matches your full name and personal details. If necessary, use the filters on the right of the results. You don’t need to open the record when you find it. Instead, copy the URL of the results page.

OfficialUSA find the record with your personal information and copy the URL of the results page.

Step 4: Click on ‘Remove My Info’

Scroll down to the bottom of the page, find the ‘Remove My Info’ link, and click on it.

OfficialUSA scroll down the page and click on the Remove My Info link in the footer

Step 5: Fill out the opt-out form

Enter your full name and email address. The URL of your OfficialUSA listing page should already be auto-filled. If it’s not, then go back to the previous step and copy it. Enter your address (preferably the same as in your record). Then click on ‘Next Step’.

Pro tip: We recommend that you create a separate email address that doesn’t disclose your personal information to submit opt-out requests for data brokers. This action will prevent these sites from keeping and possibly displaying the email address you use for personal and business purposes.

OfficialUSA removal request please send all other inquiries to and click next step button

Step 6: Select your record and click ‘Remove’

On the appearing page, select the listing you want to have removed from OfficialUSA. Then click on the ‘Remove’ button.

Opt-out of youcan remove your listing from the Please select your profile below and click remove button

Your data will now be removed from the website.

OfficialUSA opt out & remove your info video guide

We’ve created a video version of the guide above for your convenience. Watch this tutorial to ensure success of your opt-out request to OfficialUSA.

How to contact OfficialUSA directly

If you have any inquiries or questions for, send an email to their Support Team at [email protected].

Your data is still exposed on other brokers

Although you have completed the OfficialUSA opt-out, there are many other people-search websites exposing your data. While removing yourself from takes you in the right direction, it isn’t enough to keep your data private.

We recommend that you do these five first:

Go through this list and send opt-out requests manually to each data broker, or subscribe to Onerep to remove records automatically from 212 sites with just a few clicks.

Save time. Automate removal from OfficialUSA and 211 other data broker sites.

Helping people protect their privacy since 2015. Over 16M unauthorized profiles removed. Use the industry’s top tool.

Why remove yourself from OfficialUSA

We recommend that you remove your profile from first-hand as your data’s visibility is at its highest on this site:

  1. Site visits: around 4.5 mln. people look others up on OfficialUSA each month. (1)
  2. Exposure on Google: Google has already indexed over 2.7 mln OfficialUSA pages making your data easier to find through its search. (2)
  3. Information exposed: OfficialUSA exposes names, age, home address, property information, phone numbers, email addresses, relatives and associates, educational background, and professional background for free with no sign-up required.

1 – Silmilarweb
2 – Google

Who sees your data on OfficialUSA

Demographic groupPercentage
18–24 years old7.96%
25–34 years old17.76%
35–44 years old18.54%
45–54 years old20.94%
55–64 years old21.70%
65+ years old13.10%
Sources: Similarweb

OfficialUSA quick links

About OfficialUSA


How do I remove information from OfficialUSA?

The quickest way to remove your information from is to access their website, search for your record, and click Remove My Info in the footer. Fill out the opt-out form and click Next Step. Then choose the record you want to delete and click Remove.

Where does OfficialUSA get my information? claims to get its data from government and state-level resources. It posts a wide variety of information including people, university, county, airport directories, and more. However, OfficialUSA doesn’t warrant that all materials on its website are accurate and current.

Dimitri Shelest Founder and CEO at Onerep

Dimitri is a tech entrepreneur and CEO at Onerep. He is keen on sharing his expertise in cybersecurity and privacy matters and is regularly published on various platforms.

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